

hey guys! sorry coz right now I didn't have idea to share with all of u guys..
Ilham xmari lg maa...huhuhu..aku bkn cm cik epal, blh post 2,3 entry in a day..seriously aku tabik spring ah kt dye cz idea dye xpnh kering...

Okay, since I don't have current issues that can be discussed here...let us get to know me...yeayyy!! (serious perasan cm org nk tau sgt psl ko la derr....) ahh...lntak la kn...nk bc, bc...xmo bc suda nm ko dollah...huhuhu


Actually, I am more interested in talking about my interest rather than my personal...because my personal life is just a plain life..nothing interesting...just being an obedient daughter n a joker to my parents..haahaa..

I love to read and write things..These hobbies were found during my childhood days.. I can finished reading a book in only one day..

Even when I was 3 years old, I can read..well, in my own wobbly doo words la kan...only me n myself can understand..and I can memorize all the single lines that being told by my mum..
and at that time, aku da b'angan2 mau jd penulis jgk...

aku ade 1 note book n sebatang pen yg mak aku sdiakan ntuk aku menulis..then, aku akan start mengarang ayat2 aku..yg bkn t'diri dr alphabet ke hape..aku menulis dgn p'kataan yg aku sndiri paham..well, ms tu lh kan..n stiap ari mak aku akan tny jln crite dye..aku ngn x t'agak2 crite lik kt mak aku..n everyday, crite tu xpenah b'ubh...siap ngn gmbr ayam n gmbr2 binatang2 len yg aku tau lukis lh...huhu..bile aku da msuk drjah 1 gtu, mak aku tnjuk lik note book aku tu..suh aku crite lik..pe kejadahnye nk crite... mn aku phm ayat2 aku dlu...huhu.. tp ntah kt mn ntah mak aku letak note book tu..sejarah tu dowh!huhu..

then, during my primary school..my cousin loved to buy me books from Aberyswyth, Ireland.. Since she studied there, she always bought me a fairy tales' books..ms tu mn la aku nk phm bc crite2 omputih ni..tp aku suke belek2 buku tu..cz aku suke tgk kartun dye..then, ms tu mak aku pon suke bli buku enid blyton..start dr ctu ah aku mule b'jinak2 ngn bc buku2 inggeris ni..tp xphm pn,aku wt2 phm je lh..sbb dlu buku yg pling aku xsuke :Dictionary...mls doe nk belek tgk dye nye mksud..

ms secondary plak, I used to borrowed english novels from my friends..dek krn sebijik novel remaja dye cecah puluh2 rnggit...aku ngn sukarela nye pnjam aje buku2 tu kat kwn2 aku..n ms ni jgk aku b'jinak2 ngn novel mlayu..pas bc tu mule la koya (berangan) nk jd cm watak dlm novel tu..memang slalu kna mrh ngn mak aku la cz bc novel ms spatutnye aku ulangkaji..huhu...tp pas SPM tu, mmg aku jd gile sket ah...gile mmbeli buku2 novel n kdg2 dlm sehari tu aku blh abes bc buku yg beratus2 helai mukasurat ..

then, ms smbung diploma...aku msih agy truskan minat membaca...stiap kali dpt PTPTN je, msti aku kuar n bli 2,3 bijik novel...kdg2 smpai duit loan xckup...t'pksa pow ayh aku ujung2 bln...hahahaha..

ble msuk degree plak..aku da start mls sket..cz bz n ntah...rse mls giler nk membaca..tp kdg2 kuar tu, ade jgk la aku bli novel..ms ni rse mampu sket la nk bli novel english w/pn sebijik buku dye blh dpt 2 bijik buku novel mlayu..tp xkesah ah..sb aku da boring ngn jln crite novel mlayu..xabes2 ngn crite cinta...naik muak dh..and this phase, I usually search a book with the detective thingies..Killing people, investigate someone...n sometimes I do search for a love book..but not that kind of loves...It is more towards the love to our families and so on..my favourite authors are tess gerritsen and cecelia ahern..

Apart from reading, I am a philatelist..this hobby was introduced by my cousin..but right now, da xrase nk collect those thingies lg dh..i dont know..it started to fade nowadays..

so, that's all for now..hopefully all of u wont get bored with my stories...I will update my blog with some interesting stuff later...so, till then...happy reading...and see you in the next post...BYE!

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