
think +ve..think +ve

I just wanted to share my opinion on this things.
Do you guys usually hears this word from your friends when u have problems@ anything?

"Think positive my dear" or.....

"Ala, chill la.."

and at that time u just wish to say straight to their face "mind your own la!! "

I know how that feels...coz I am in the same boat as yours! quite annoying... haha...sometimes i just rase cam nk jerit "could u guys just shut up for a moment!"


Ok2... what am I trying to say is this... we as a human sometimes tend to think negative rather than positive.. 
Wa respek ah kalau ade yg blh think 24-7, 30 days per month n 365 days per year without even thinking negatively on some things...SERIOUSLY!! hey, you're just some ordinary person.. don't tell me that you're always a positive thinkers..LIAR! ( bkn liar cam singa kt dlm hutan tu yea...haha..lame joke I KNOW!! :P )

But in my personal opinion, sometimes when we think negatively, we can see things thoroughly.. for an example: when you tend to do some things..such as furthering studies abroad (this was brought up since my sis eagerly wanted to further studies abroad..mind you! ) , you have to think the consequences or bad things that may occurs when you're there...ONLY then u can think about the good things that you may gain from it..and taraaaaaa~~~ you can make a wise decision! but the disadvantage is, it may lower your self esteem lh..

Anyway, that was my opinion...korang xsetuju lantak korg lh kan...because different people have different opinion..

And last but not least, be positive as in "real positive"..not just by saying it.. because words won't change anything if you don't make it happens.....


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